All See below the Schedule for this weeks trial Game Against Normanhurst.
If you cannot Play please notify your Manager.
Please arrive 20 minutes before your game and plan to leave early as Parking at a premium so you may have to park a short distance away.
The Location for Under 10’s and above will be held at Loretto School Normanhurst, for times see below.
Further times will be available for U6’s to U9’s for Ruddock Park,
Field | Time | Thornleigh | Normanhurst |
2a | 8:30 | 6-Green | U6 Emus |
2b | 8:30 | 6-Purple A | U6 Cockatoos |
2c | 8:30 | 6-Purple B | U6 Bandicoots |
2d | 8:30 | 6-Red A | U6 Dingos |
2a | 9:20 | 6-Red B | U6 Echidnas |
2b | 9:20 | 6-White | U6 Wallabies |
2c | 9:20 | 7-White | U7 Dolphins All Girls |
2d | 9:20 | 7-Purple A | U7 Koalas |
2a | 10:20 | 7-Purple B | U7 Platypus |
2b | 10:20 | 7-Red A | U7 Possums |
2c | 10:20 | 7-Red B | U7 Foxes |
2d | 10:20 | 7-Green | U7 Kangaroos |
2a | 11:10 | – | – |
2b | 11:10 | 7-Red A | U7 Eagles |
2c | 11:10 | 7-Red B | U7 Penguins |
2d | 11:10 | 7-Green | U7 Bluetongues |
1 | 8:00 | 8-Brown | U8 Wombats |
1 | 8:50 | 8-Purple | U8 Magpies |
1 | 9:40 | 8-White | U8 Goannas |
1 | 10:30 | 8-Blue | U8 Echidnas |
1 | 11:20 | U8 Blue | U8 Bilbys |
1 | 12:10 | u9-3 | u9/1 |
2 | 12:10 | Normo u9-8 | u9/7 |
1 | 13:50 | u9-4 | u9/3 |
2 | 13:50 | u9-7 | u9/5 |
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