Committee Roles 2025

Committee Roles for Thornleigh Thunder Soccer Club for 2025

The club can only exist through the generous contributing of volunteers.

These are current roles for 2025 which need to be nominated and filled at the AGM. If you would like to express your interest before then or would like to find out more please contact us.

These roles can provide a rewarding and learning experience.



  • Ensure the club is compliant with policy and procedures
  • Chair the monthly committee meetings
  • Write a weekly column for the Blue and Gold
  • Be the external voice of the club
  • Be available to attend and speak at::
    • Coaches and managers evening
    • Thornleigh Sports Club meetings x 2
    • GHFA annual dinner
    • GHFA presidents meeting
    • Junior presentation
    • Senior Presentation
    • Home games at Oakleigh Oval on a Saturday +20
    • Functions held by the club
    • Disciplinary hearings at the GHFA to support club members
  • Promote our club within the GHFA and NWWFA
  • Liaise with council to improve our facilities
  • Chair executive committee meetings when required
  • Be prepared to:
    • Hear grievances from players and their families
    • Involved with grading days
    • Involved with club days
    • Fill in when others can’t attend meetings i.e. GHFA, Sports Club
    • Field questions from age managers


Vice President (2 positions)

  • Assist President and fill in when he is not available
  • Assist committee when required
  • Help drive initiatives that have been put forward by the Thunder community
  • Be available if president is away to attend and speak at:
    • Coaches and managers evening
    • Thornleigh Sports Club meetings x 2
    • GHFA annual dinner
    • GHFA presidents meeting
    • Junior presentation
    • Senior Presentation
    • Home games at Oakleigh Oval on a Saturday +20
    • Functions held by the club
    • Disciplinary hearings at the GHFA to support club members
  • Be prepared to help:
    • Hear grievances from players and their families
    • Involved with grading days
    • Involved with club days
    • Fill in when others can’t attend meetings i.e. GHFA, Sports Club
    • Field questions from age managers



  • Liaise with P, VP to coordinate and facilitate the activities of committee volunteers
  • Update the core email groups and maintain validity
  • Issue reminder of upcoming meetings
  • Check all non attendees and list ready for meeting,
  • Minutes and Agenda for meetings
  • Issue a summary list with allocations of action points
  • minutes out pre the next meeting
  • Events: assist wherever possible with coordination aspects
  • Liaise with P and Task owner to ensure we are across it the allocated task
  • Post and Email from GHFA and the like
  • GHFA communications co-ordination
  • GHFA Schedules for games, I compman etc
  • Red Card emails
  • Courses per coaching coordinators
  • Check PO Box
  • Monitor grounds for Council or TTFC closure


Assistant secretary (tasks can be shared between 2 people)

Time commitment :

  • 2 hrs per week (1 hour mid-week, 30 min Sunday evening, 30 min ad-hoc requests)
  • 2-3 hrs per month for meetings.
  • Support secretary, president and managers on a as need basis.

Skills and qualities :

  • Good with Gmail contacts, Excel, Word, PDF editor, MailChimp (web based) and iCompman (web based).
  • Great people and communication skills.
  • Patient and professional.
  • Organised and timely in response.

What you need :

  • Note: Training provided from previous person and through manuals.
  • Need to be available to complete tasks mid-week and Sunday evening. Helps if can do it when waiting for your child to do an activity.
  • Contactable on the weekend.
  • Internet access, computer, mobile phone (preferably with data for Internet and email access on the go and remote access to files).
  • Software – Computer – Windows or iOS, PDF editor, Word, Excel, Internet browser. Mobile – Android or iOS.

Main tasks:

  • Setup and maintain contact list of committee, managers and coaches in Excel and Gmail. Ensure all club member emails addresses provided by the registrar are imported and updated in MailChimp.
  • Maintain up to date team player ID sheets (provided as PDF from Registrar) and distribute to teams and as requested during the season.
  • Extract match sheets from iCompman system every week (available mid-week) and email to managers and coaches.
  • Record scores each week in iCompman on Sunday evening once received from all teams by SMS or email. Will need to chase up when not received.
  • Attend monthly committee meetings.
  • Point of contact for managers and provide any training or support to managers.
  • Emergency stand-in for secretary duties
  • Prepare Blue and Gold newsletter (mid-week) containing President weekly report, match reports and other info. Send to club members through Mailchimp.



Time commitment :

  • 5-10 hours per month including monthly committee meetings
  • Most activities can be undertaken at any time using online accounting and banking systems

Skills and qualities :

  • Enthusiastic and well organised
  • Ability to keep sound records
  • Ability to allocate regular time periods to maintain the books
  • Diligent with receipts and money
  • Ability to work in a logical and orderly manner
  • Willing to learn new skills if necessary
  • Dedicated club person
  • Honest and trustworthy

What you need:

  • Internet access, computer/tablet for accessing accounting and banking systems

Main tasks:

  • Administer access to the club’s bank accounts (online) and associated signatories
  • Update financial accounts (P&L) and present at monthly committee meetings
  • Manage disbursements to suppliers and reimbursements to club members with secondary approvals to be provided by executive committee members
  • Maintain auditable records
  • Ensure the club finances are appropriately audited
  • Prepare annual financial accounts for auditing and provide the auditor with necessary information
  • Monitor sponsorship collections with marketing coordinator and assist with provision of sponsorship invoices and receipts
  • Collect registration fees (99% via FFA online)
  • Reconcile bank statements with invoices and receipts
  • Maintain historic financial records including financial accounts and invoices
  • Supply financial information to committee members as required eg. status of sponsorship receipts to Marketing Coordinator
  • Maintain Registration Fee Schedule
  • Set canteen pricing in conjunction with the canteen (and BBQ) coordinator
  • Establish and monitor annual budgets for key areas of sales and purchases – namely; registration fees, sponsorship, canteen sales, clothing, equipment
  • Collect and bank canteen and clothing sales from respective coordinators
  • Liaise with registrar to configure registration fees in My Football Club for the new season
  • Provide an estimate of assets to Thornleigh Sports Club for insurance purposes
  • Arrange float for canteen at beginning of year
  • Review and set registration fee structure
  • Prepare budget for key income and expenses account groups/accounts for the financial year in line with the club strategy/objectives
  • Ensure all taxation commitments are met by the club (eg. register for GST if income exceeds $150k)
  • Form part of the club’s Executive Committee



Time commitment:

  • Key period of activity is December to end of May, then September for end of year activity
  • 4 – 6 hours in late December to set up systems for new season.
  • Average 30 mins daily activity per week on email and within registration systems to process registrations
  • 2-3 hrs per month for meetings.
  • Support secretary, president and managers on an as-need basis.

Skills and qualities:

  • Computer literacy
    • Comfortable with on-line systems (MyFootballClub (MFC) and iCompMan registration systems)
    • Intermediate/Advanced MS Excel and intermediate MS Word
    • Occasional manipulation of photos to re-size and upload when a player /parent is having trouble doing so
  • Analytical and high level of attention to detail
  • Clear communication skills
  • Organised and timely in response to players, parents and committee members

What you need:

  • PC and internet access anywhere
  • A club provided (…and aging…) laptop is available for the role, but easily done on any PC

Main pre-season tasks:

  • Set up MFC with new player registration fee packages for the new season for;
    • Thornleigh Soccer Club (GHFA); and,
    • Thornleigh Women’s (NWSW)
  • Prepare new season registration letter and arrange for broadcast email and ‘snail mail’ in second half of January
  • Regular update of Excel spreadsheets to track incoming registrations
  • Ensure all MFC on-line registrations are approved and successfully import into iCompMan including photos
  • Ensure both MFC & iCompMan systems are aligned
  • Process on-line de-registrations as required
  • Supply updates to Club treasurer as to financial vs non-financial players
  • Chase players/parents by email to have them upload into MFC any missing or expired player photos
  • Seek assistance of Team Managers to chase player photos as start of season draws nearer
  • Allocate players, coaches and managers to teams in MFC & iCompMan as supplied by Age Coordinators to meet strict GHFA deadlines
  • ‘Club Approve’ all players once allocated to a team in iCompMan before Team Registration Deadline
  • Attend monthly committee meetings
  • Initiate International Player Transfer Process through request to GHFA when required (infrequent: avg. once every 2nd season)
  • Answer queries and supply ad hoc reports to committee members as required
  • Bi-weekly Registration Update reports to committee members to facilitate pre-season planning
  • Adhere to the key GHFA deadlines for system updates

Main end-of-season tasks:

  • Prepare Team listings to facilitate Presentation Day
  • Supply Trophy supplier with full team lists
  • Answer questions and confirm details supplied by Trophy Supplier regarding end of season presentations/awards


Assistant registrar

Activities split/shared as agreed with Registrar.


Marketing coordinator (communications and promotion)

Drive Sponsorship during Drive Sponsorship during the the year by working with Existing Sponsors and recruiting new Sponsors to the club.

Main tasks:

Arranging Premium Sponsor Commitments for trading Shirt (december time frame)

Securing existing and New Sponsors payments during Feb/march

Driving Through our Facebook / webpage Sponsors value to the club and ensuring they get exposure

Drive Events Such as Family Fun Days with Sponsors involved

Engage Sponsors in other events such as End of year Presentation days with the club

Ensuring on Game Day Sponsors are visible at our Fields of Play.

Sponsorship and branding coordinator


Web Administrator:

Administer and refresh the  website, maintain levels of wordpress updates on the system and update topical pages,  media  as required and or add new functionality. Upcoming Refresh of Site due in 2019.


Coaching Coordinator

Check with committee.


Thunder App Coordinator

Check with committee.


Gear & Equipment

Time commitment :

  • 1 hrs per week during season to open up cage Sat am & ensure stock of socks/shorts in canteen & collect money from merchandise sales
  • Approx 3 sessions arranging kit pre-season
  • Approx 3 sessions collecting kit at end of season
  • 2-3 hrs per month for committee meetings.
  • Assist committee on match day duties as & when available.

Skills and qualities:

  • Good with Excel.
  • Great people and communication skills.
  • Patient and professional & reliable
  • Organised and enthusiastic

What you need:

  • Contactable on the weekend.
  • Internet access, computer, mobile phone & e-mail access
  • Software – Computer – Windows or iOS, Word, Internet browser. Mobile – Android or iOS.
  • Support from outgoing G&E manager during handover & on-going as required

Main tasks:

  • Manage stock levels of all training & match day gear & equipment (such as shorts, socks, jerseys, hoodies, goals, poles & other accessories). Carry out stocktakes as & when deemed necessary
  • Manage the issue & return of team kitbags at start & end of season
  • Order restock of items (shorts, socks, soccer balls kitbags etc) during off season in time for start of following season
  • Manage the restock of kitbags for the number of teams required for the start of the season
  • Collect money from merchandise sales, complete cash receipts & pass on both to club treasurer on minimum of a monthly basis
  • Source & liaise with suppliers for various types of equipment, ranging from player jerseys to whistles, kitbags & training equipment
  • Source & liaise with suppliers for other club merchandise, such as hoodies, caps or any other merchandise agreed upon.
  • Attend monthly committee meetings.
  • Point of contact for managers and coaches for anything related to team kitbag supplies.
  • Liaise with Super League manager, AA coordinator & Senior team (O35 & O45) managers to order paid shirts for new players & provide loan shirts as necessary, until player’s official shirt arrives.
  • Request assistance from others, primarily from the Asst G&E manager in carrying out duties.


Asst Gear & Equipment

Help with all of the above.


All Age Men Team Coordinator and Over 35 / 45 Team Coordinator

Similar to youth co-ordinator but for senior teams.


Youth Team Co-ordinator (U13-U18)

Time commitment :

  • 20 minutes per week dedicated to inquiring with a random team the progress and any issues the club can assist with.
  • 4 hours overall and gradual input to ensure the re registration of players from the previous season.
  • As required First point of contact for the club between player, managers and parents on team feedback and issues.
  • As required report to the committee on any issues that need remedy within the committee body where necessary.
  • 2-3 hours by attending monthly club meetings and 5 minute verbal report on your age groups.
  • Attend and contribute to the Grading and Placement day at the start of the season.

Skills and Qualities

  • Good communications skills.
  • Understand the concept of team management and establish club principle of ‘fun and fair play” in each team member and parents.
  • Sound judgement and understanding sensitive areas. Focus on consequence of actions and minimise escalations.
  • Patience and persistence.

Main tasks:

  • Ensuring teams are healthy and happy at training, during games and at season activities.
  • Support the Committee, team managers and coaches.
  • Know, adopt and monitor adherence to club policies in particular child safety and wellbeing of players.
  • Know your age groups and establish connections with them. Be seen at games and training.
  • Work especially closely with the Coaching Coordinator and Grading Committee at the start of the season in forming teams.
  • Work on bringing new players to your age groups, player retention and forming teams with ample players at the start of the season.
  • Report on each team and age group at the conclusion of the season.
  • Undertake spot inspections of activities. Act on problems and minimise repeat of issues through club notices or one of one contact with a team manager.
  • Ensure safety and full duty coverage in the canteen, cooking and ground management being a priority. Liaise with the Canteen and Ground Manager Co Coordinator.


Junior Team Co-ordinator (U9 -12)

Similar to youth co-ordinator but for junior teams.


Mini Soccer Co-ordinator (U6-U8) and Asst. Mini Soccer Co-ordinator

Time commitment

  • Varies throughout the year.
    • Pre-season (Feb-April) 4-8 hours per week.
    • Regular Season (May-Aug) 1 hour per week
    • Off Season (Sept-Jan) minimal/ ad hoc
  • 1-2 hrs per month for meetings.
  • Liaise with and Support the Director of Coaching as required.

Skills and qualities

  • Strong skills in Excel / Database management an advantage.
  • Organise, effective and disciplined with email.
  • Great people and communication skills.
  • Patient and professional.
  • Organised and timely in response.

What you need

  • Note: Training provided from previous person and through manuals.
  • Need to be very responsive to emails.
  • Internet access, computer, mobile phone (preferably with data for Internet and email access on the go and remote access to files).
  • Computer Software – strong Microsoft Excel skills

Main tasks:

  • Set up and coordinate Team placement day in February
  • Place players into teams ensuring kids are playing with friends where possible.
  • Rank teams into correct “grades” as per GHFA guidelines.
  • Assist with grading of Under 8 Blue team (as required)
  • Ensure all teams have a manager and coach assigned to them – usually parents/siblings fill this role. Keep this list maintained and up to date.
  • Respond to all email requests in a timely manner (within 24 hours)
  • Attend monthly Committee Meetings
  • Ensure teams fulfil their responsibilities around ground dressing, BBQ and canteen duties, newsletter contributions and other fund raising activities as required.
  • Be the primary contact for coaches and managers of Miniroos teams to the club.
  • Support other committee members who liaise with Miniroos teams (Gear & Equipment, Registrar etc.)


GHFA Delegate

Time Commitment:

  • Up to 3 hours on one given night per month to attend the GHFA MC Meeting at Christie Park North Ryde.
  • 30 minutes per week as and when required to liaise with GHFA on club matters.

Skills and qualities:

  • Good with Gmail contacts, Excel, Word.
  • Resource management.
  • Good direct communication skills within short weekly deadlines.
  • Patience and persistence in a professional manner.
  • Organised and timely in response.

Main Task:

  • Keep THL officials updated on GHFA matters.
  • Attend GHFA delegate forums and other meetings when required.
  • Help Club in general ground duties when requested.


GHFA Delegate Assistant

  • Assist Main Delegate as and when requested. You may need to attend meeting in the absent of the main delegate.
  • Assist the club in general.


Sports Club Delegate

Please check with committee.


Canteen Manager

Please check with committee for full details.

Includes responsibility for ordering stock only, and general upkeep. Approximately 1hr per week



Time commitment :

  • 15 minutes early in the week to place orders over the phone.
  • 35 minutes to collect order of bread, meat and supermarket shop for eggs, napkins etc
  • 15 minutes to deliver to Oakleigh Oval and organise in canteen.
  • Occasional gas bottle exchanged needed.

Skills and qualities :

  • No special skills or qualities needed.

What you need :

  • Phone and car for pickup of goods.

Main tasks:

  • Place meat order at Westleigh Meats (sausages, bacon, and onion).
  • Place bread order at Pennant Hills Bakery (10 loaves most weeks)
  • Purchase eggs, serviettes, sauces from supermarket. (Liaise with canteen manager on supplies).
  • If time permits help team to start cooking BBQ.
  • Retain receipts and maintain a record of purchases throughout the season for treasurer.


Barbecue, Canteen, Game Day  Field Set Up Rostering Coordinator

 Time commitment:

  • 40 minutes per week ( mid-week, to advise teams of weekly duties by email and sms)
  • 10 hours at the start of the season to schedule a season roster for canteen, bbq cooking shifts and Ruddock and Oakleigh set up , pull down for all games
  • 2-3 hrs per month for meetings.
  • Support Canteen Manager and BBQ Manager, and team managers with their team duties.
  • Maintain your list of team manager emails and mobile numbers through liaising with the Club Secretary
  • Follow up any weekend nonattendance to duties or issues that occur and minimise repeat problems.
  • Ensure on Friday nights that all duties are responded to by managers and duties covered.

Skills and qualities:

  • Good with Gmail contacts, Excel, Word.
  • Resource management, Scheduling and Roster construction.
  • Good direct communication skills within short weekly deadlines.
  • Patience and persistence in a professional manner.
  • Organised and timely in response.

Main tasks:

  • Setup and maintain a Club Roster containing all duties for BBQ cooking, Canteen volunteers, Ruddock and Oakleigh Ground set up and pull down duties in Excel.
  • Adopt current established processes and roster construction whilst enhancing past principles.
  • Maintain up to date manager point of contact details by email and mobile contact.
  • Circulate Season Roster at start of season when GHFA draw is released to all managers and committee.
  • Circulate weekly roster before Wednesday night of the coming weekend to all involved managers and committee.
  • Send SMS to managers informing them to check their email for weekend duties.
  • Ensure by Friday night all duties covered.
  • Attend monthly committee meetings.
  • Act on any weekend issues and obtain feedback.
  • Undertake spot inspections of activities. Act on problems and minimise repeat of issues through club notices or one of one contact with a team manager.
  • Ensure safety and full duty coverage in the canteen, cooking and ground management is a priority.


Member Protection Officer

Please check with committee.